The King Roopsen and Aditya: “Once, a king lived in the city of Vardhmaan. His name was Roopsen. He was kind and gracious. Hearing about his good deeds, a soldier named Aditya came to his kingdom and was happy to see everything as he had heard. One day, Aditya went to the palace to see the king. He was brought to the royal court. Aditya bowed to the king and said, ‘Raajan, I am very sad.’ ‘Why are you sad?’ asked the king. Aditya said, ‘I am faithful, can obey orders, and can work as a night watchman, but nobody gives me work.’ ‘Why doesn’t anyone give you a job?’ ‘Because I ask for 100 gold coins daily.’
The king was surprised and asked, ‘How many people are in your family?’ Aditya replied, ‘We are four: my wife, one son, one daughter, and myself. I served King Jayasen for many years, but he has died. That is why I am here to serve you.’ The king asked, ‘What did he give you?’ Aditya said, ‘I got 100 gold coins daily.’ The king said, ‘But nobody pays so much for a night watchman.’ Aditya said, ‘Even this money is less for my services.’ The king thought for a while and said, ‘Okay, you will stay with me.’
Aditya was very happy to get the job, and all the courtiers were surprised at the salary of a night watchman. They criticized the king, but the king had already employed him. Aditya used to keep watch the whole night, take his money in the morning, and go away.
One day, the king asked his spy to find out what Aditya did with his money. The spy reported that Aditya gave 25 coins to the poor, saying, ‘Pray for King Roopsen, that he should live long.’ He gave 25 coins to temples and 25 coins to Brahmins. He gave 10 coins to widows and orphans, and another 10 coins to lepers and handicapped. The remaining 5 coins he gave to his wife.
Roopsen was very happy to hear this, so he had no problem giving 100 coins to Aditya. He was pleased with Aditya. Whenever he asked, ‘Is anybody there?’ Aditya always replied, ‘I am here, Sir.’
One night, when Roopsen was sleeping, he woke up hearing a woman crying. Roopsen called out, ‘Is anybody there?’ and Aditya replied, ‘I am here, Sir.’ Roopsen asked him to find out who was crying so late at night.
Aditya went towards the sound, which came from the cremation ground. He saw a woman crying. She was wearing many ornaments and was very beautiful, but there were no tears in her eyes. Surprised, Aditya asked, ‘O Beautiful, why are you crying?’ She said, ‘My name is Lakshmee, and I live in a royal family, but now Shani (Saturn) has attacked that family. Roopsen’s kingdom will be lost, and he will die in a very bad condition. That is why I am crying.’
Hearing this, Aditya asked, ‘Is there any way to save the king?’ She said, ‘Yes, if someone sacrifices his own son with his own hand, the king can be saved.’ Aditya thought for a while and then turned around.
Roopsen also thought, ‘Let me see what Aditya does.’ So he followed him and saw the conversation between Aditya and Lakshmee. When Aditya returned, Roopsen followed him.
Aditya didn’t go to the palace; he went straight to his house and told everything to his wife. The wife said, ‘Go and sacrifice our son. This is our duty to our master.’ They woke up their son and told him everything. He agreed to be sacrificed. They went to the Devi temple to sacrifice the son.
First, Aditya worshipped Devi, then prayed, ‘Hey Devi, please save my king. I give you my son to save his life. Be pleased with me.’ And he cut his son’s neck with his own hand. Seeing this, Aditya’s daughter also cut her neck, saying, ‘When my brother is not there, why should I live?’ Aditya’s wife also died in grief. Now Aditya thought, ‘My whole family is gone; what will I do in this world?’ So he also cut his neck. Seeing this, Roopsen also couldn’t hold himself. He picked the same sword and cut his neck.
Now tell me, whose sacrifice was most valuable – Aditya’s, his son’s, his daughter’s, his wife’s, or King Roopsen’s?’
Ans: Aditya was faithful to his master, the sister sacrificed out of love for her brother, the mother had motherly love for her children, and Aditya lost his family, so he sacrificed himself. But what was the feeling of the king? Sacrificing oneself for a servant is strange for a master. That is why Roopsen’s sacrifice was the most valuable.’
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